Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Real Me

It's been a while since i updated my Orkut/Facebook pages. So I decided to update it today with details which resembles more of real me rather than the fake one I've been trying to pretend for a long time. It took some time (approximately 2 years) for me to understand how these so called social networking websites works.

The concept of people from different parts of the world with different backgrounds, cultures and social strata forming various communities(localized/general) to discuss n number of things and forming networks is indeed a great idea. This gives a chance for someone to express their thoughts, who otherwise may not have done (or) afraid to do so in public.

In a way, these sites are kind of starters for amateur bloggers like me. But to get most out of these sites, one needs to be more closer to the reality than trying to be something else(which is what I was doing till recently). I usually used to paint myself as a great fella with loads and loads of talents(self proclaimed) which is exact opposite of what I really am. I feel there is no need to show everything rosy in a picture.I am not a super hero type or boy charming. I am just another ordinary guy that one can meet in every walk of life. I too have my share of Bad(?) habits, Fear, Problems and Weaknesses like any one else in this planet.But it does not make me feel any lesser than the others.So why should i try to project myself into something which i really not. My current profile in Orkut/Facebook more likely to have more pessimistic tone about me than my previous ones but i am not afraid/ashamed to be myself & This is Real Me.

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Friend, I am very new to Blogging. And I will be very happy to see a word or two from you.Your words will be a great source of encouragement for me. Kindly leave your comments,thanks.